We’re thrilled that you’ll be joining us on a Captivate Event, and look forward to working with you soon.
Please take the time to read the below Terms and Conditions carefully, and that you fully understand them before submitting your registration form. By registering on, paying for and participating in a course with Captivate Action Ltd. (Europe) and/or Captivate Action Pty. Ltd. (Australia) you are agreeing with our Course Terms and Conditions, as detailed below.
By submitting the registration form you will reserve a conditional place on your selected course, which can only be fully confirmed on receipt of full payment. Delayed payment of course fees may result in loss of your booking if participant numbers are limited.
If you have any questions please do get in touch and we will be happy to help.
For these terms and conditions, Captivate Action refers to Captivate Action Ltd. in the U.K., and Captivate Action Pty. Ltd. in Australia.
(1). Captivate Action workshops are inclusive environments, where all students should feel safe and respected at all times. Captivate Action has a strict policy to treat all students equally irrespective of their gender identity, sexual orientation, age, marital status, nationality, race, religious beliefs, origins, spent convictions or disabilities. It is expected that all our students adopt a similar policy. Students who display intolerant or harassing behaviour towards other students will be asked to leave the session and possibly the course, at the discretion of the tutor and Captivate Action. Students are required to respect the physical, emotional, mental and sexual safety of all those at the event at all times. Those who do not will be asked to leave to event, at the discretion of the tutor and Captivate Action. Any student asked to leave under any of the above circumstances will not be entitled to any form of refund. Captivate Action invites all event participates to report any threatening or ‘unsafe’ behaviour to a tutor, assistant or director; and talk with, call or email their tutor, classroom assistant, or our company director if they have any other concerns. Due to the nature of workshop content, we may approach scenes, topics or actions that can feel threatening or triggering to some participants. While this is conducted with direct intent to preserve each participants’ feelings of safety, we encourage all students to open communication with us before, during and after workshops if they are concerned that course content has caused or may cause any distress.
(2). All dramatic combat courses are taught by professional teachers of dramatic combat, as certified by a professional body such as the Society of Australian Fight Directors Inc. and/or the British Academy of Dramatic Combat and/or the Academy of Performance Combat or equivalent.
(3). Captivate Action does not offer refunds in any circumstances, apart from those relating to an alteration to workshop dates and/or times by the Captivate Action (see below). This is due to the commitments to payments Captivate Action makes based on the number of event enrolments. If for any reason a student is not able to attend an event for which they have paid any amount of the course fees, deferment of these fees to a subsequent course may be offered in certain cases, to an equivalent course of equal value. For this to be approved, a Deferment Application must be completed by the student and received by Captivate Action before the commencement date of the course from which a student would like to defer. A deferred place must be redeemed within a 12-month period from the original course date, after which time any moneys paid are relinquished. Captivate Action cannot guarantee that a subsequent equivalent course, to which the deferment is applicable, will be offered within this timeframe. Deferments may also not be possible to a course that is in high demand and subject to density limits. If no applicable courses are on offer within a 12-month period, the the deferment will not be carried over to a following 12-month period, and any moneys paid are relinquished. The offer of a deferment is completely at the discretion of Captivate Action and this decision is final. If a participant cannot attend an event for which they have registered, they are asked to notify Captivate Action ASAP, so that their event place can be released to other participants.
(4). A place on a Captivate Action course is only fully confirmed on receipt of all payments, and a registration place cannot be held without any deposit payment. A minimum 50% deposit is required to confirm registration, and all remaining fees must be finalised prior to the start of the event. If a only a partial payment has been made before the course commencement date, a participant’s place may be offered to another student, in which case any payments made will not be refunded.
(5). Absences relating to Covid-19: participants are asked not to attend any Captivate event if they are infected or at risk of being infected with Covid-19 (eg. if you or a close-contact is showing symptoms of Covid-19; or if you have been in close-contact with a person diagnosed with Covid-19 in the preceding 7 days. For short workshop events (eg. single day or weekend workshops): if you need to cancel your attendance for Covid-19-related reasons you may transfer your place to a subsequent equivalent course, within 1 year of the original course date. For long-term courses (eg. weekly evening classes): if a student misses individual classes for reasons relating to Covid-19, they may defer the value of the missed class to a subsequent suitable workshop, at the discretion of Captivate Action. Deferment is not possible to workshops that have strict booking numbers or specialist workshops that have high workshop running costs.
(6). Captivate Action reserves the right to alter course times, to alter course content, to change tutors, to add classes and to cancel classes due to any unavoidable and/or unforeseen circumstances. If the course is cancelled, or a date or time change affects a participant’s ability to attend, participants will be offered the choice of either a refund or a deferment to a subsequent course.
(7). Captivate Action reserves the right to refuse admission or tuition, and/or terminate a student’s contract at any time if they violate these course terms and conditions.
(8). Participation as a student in this or any Captivate Action course does not certify or qualify any student to work as a fight director, fight arranger, fight choreographer, teacher of dramatic combat, movement director, movement tutor, performance capture/motion capture director or performance capture/motion capture tutor. Students are strongly cautioned regarding the Health and Safety responsibilities and implications of taking on these roles, and regarding the risk of injury to any participants if these roles are undertaken with inadequate training; and their legal obligations to workplace safety as detailed in local legislation (eg. Victorian OHS Act 2004). The role of a fight director or tutor requires years of focused training in order to satisfy both safety and creative aspects of the role. If any student would like to pursue a career in this fight direction and/or stage combat tuition, please contact the Society of Australian Fight Directors Inc., British Academy of Dramatic Combat, the Academy of Performance Combat, or other equivalent industry-recognised Dramatic Combat certification body.
(9). Copyright: It is an infringement of copyright and intellectual property to reproduce, communicate, publish or perform all or a part of a choreography or workshop content taught on any Captivate Action course, unless Captivate Action has given direct written permission. This includes recreating material for a show, film, workshop or demonstration; and/or posting material in reels and/or online. If permission is given for you to use material taught at this workshop, you must credit the Tutor who created the material and Captivate Action. If other participants are present in any images or footage you wish to use, you must also gain their consent for image release.
(10). Injuries: Training in dramatic combat involves strenuous physical activity, which inherently carries the risk of physical injury including (although not limited to) abrasions; lacerations; soft tissue injuries such as bruising, tears, sprains or avulsions; skeletal fractures; joint dislocations; eye injuries; hearing impairment. The student must inform Captivate Action Ltd. of any injury, medical condition or medication which may affect their ability to perform dramatic combat, or which may cause injury to themselves or others. Captivate Action Ltd. will take every precaution reasonable to minimise the risk of injuries. The student must assume the risk and responsibility of all injuries to themselves and will therefore hold Captivate Action Ltd., its employees and agents harmless from any and all liability due to injuries suffered, or caused by third parties, arising out of activities involving Dramatic Combat. Students are expected at all times to conduct themselves and their training in a safe manner that is respectful to the teacher and other students. Dangerous, negligent or careless behaviour of any kind will not be tolerated, and may result in your exclusion from the class, at the teacher’s discretion.
(11). Health and Safety Policies and Codes of Conduct: all workshop participants must abide at all times by the Captivate Action OHS Policies and SAFDI Codes of Conduct. Each participant has a legal and moral obligation to engage in behaviours that protect the health and safety of themselves and those around them, at all times. Appropriate safety behaviour will be instructed at each Captivate event. Captivate Action has a zero-tolerance for unsafe behaviour, and students engaging in such behaviour will be asked to leave the training event, in which case they are not entitled to receive any refund of any monies paid.
Captivate Action Ltd. Registered in England and Wales, Company Number 8539068.
Captivate Action Pty. Ltd. Registered Company in Australia. ABN 83606311415