Captivate Action’s Directors are Lyndall Grant, Andrew Young and Amy Bolger-Floyd. They have worked together for over ten years, and a held together by a genuine excitement in our work.
Lyndall and Andrew studied together as stage combat students and Apprentices in the BADC Teacher Training Program over 12 years ago. During this time they taught Amy Bolger-Floyd as a new stage combat student. With the creation of Captivate Action in 2013, Lyndall and Andrew continued to work in tandem as Dramatic Combat teachers, Fight Directors, Motion Capture Directors and in launching our flagship motion capture training course – the Performance Capture Intensive. After training extensively with Captivate, Amy joined the team as an assistant for workshops and fight direction in 2014. She is now a working Motion Capture Performer and training to become a Teacher of Dramatic Combat.
The team is held together by a shared excitement in each project and an infectious enjoyment in playing in a creative space. They genuinely believe in upholding the integrity and goodwill in our industry and are determined to look for the best in each project. Our work is based on the respect for collaboration, innovation and empathy, and on the importance of finding community amongst peers.
Lyndall is the Company Director and founder, and works in both Australia and the U.K. (pandemic-willing).
Andrew and Amy are our U.K. Directors.
If you would like to work with Captivate, please get in touch.